Denise C.
"No no I clean"
Popular Articles

What happens when you get caught in an illegal massage parlour?
by Denise C. on 09 August 2017
Klik sini untuk versi Bahasa Malaysia. Malaysians are fans of massages, from the popular establishments we see in shopping centres to the smaller shops dotting the Bukit Bintang area....

Hold the phone - here's the legal reason why the Low Yat "thief" was not guilty
by Denise C. on 12 March 2018
By now, everyone should be somewhat familiar with the story of the “Low Yat Phone Thief”, but here’s a quick refresher: On 11 July 2015, 22-year old Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz...
Recent Articles

In M'sia, can you sue someone for breaking a contract if your name isn't mentioned in it?
by Denise C. on 24 August 2019
Your friend just gifted you this amazing holiday package that takes you on a week long trip to the Bahamas, complete with a five-star hotel and complimentary spa treatments. Excited,...

Can you sue if someone breaks a pinky promise in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 31 December 2018
As kids, the most solemn promise we could make to one another is a pinky promise. To break it would mean death probably some social shunning or intense Asian parent...

Can Malaysian condo managements block your access card if you don't pay your fees?
by Denise C. on 11 December 2018
You’re really excited; the family and friends are all here for the housewarming in your brand new house. As you usher them into the lobby, you stride confidently to the...

Macam mana nak mengadakan "rally" berdasarkan undang-undang Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 07 December 2018
This article was translated from English. For the English version, please click here. Warga-warga Malaysia memang kenal sangat dengan hal-hal berkenaan demonstrasi, protes, perhimpunan, rally, dan sebagainya sejak kebelakangan...

How to organise a (legal) rally in Malaysia
by Denise C. on 06 December 2018
Malaysians are no strangers to rallies and as a matter of fact, we have seen many in the recent years. From BERSIH rallies to the upcoming anti-ICERD “thanksgiving” rally, Malaysians have...

Can Malaysian shops make you spend a minimum amount to use credit cards?
by Denise C. on 28 November 2018
Image credits to National Pharmacy at 163 Mont Kiara, who most definitely don’t impose a minimum purchase amount. There are many alternatives to cash these days. First, we have...

Malaysian law does not recognise refugees...so who are these people?
by Denise C. on 19 November 2018
Malaysia has always had conversations regarding refugees. In the 1980s, we had them with the Vietnamese. Currently, we have them with the Rohingyas. In many of these situations, especially with...

What happens if Malaysia abolishes the death sentence?
by Denise C. on 26 October 2018
*Article originally published in 2018, updated to reflect current events. Back in 2018, Malaysians were abuzz over the government’s decision to abolish the death penalty for all crimes punishable with...

Zahid Hamidi was CHARGED with money laundering.... But what does "charged" mean?
by Denise C. on 24 October 2018
Malaysians have recently been buzzing over the latest news – our former Deputy Prime Minister’s and current serving UMNO president’s arrest by MACC. Subsequent to his arrest, you may have read...

What happens if you accidentally kill someone in a road accident in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 23 October 2018
It’s late at night. You’re driving fast along the roads leading to your home because you’re pretty sure that no one would be around at this time. As you near...

What can you do if a Malaysian developer doesn't finish building your house on time?
by Denise C. on 16 October 2018
In life, it’s always nice to own new things, whether it may be a new phone or a new car or even...a new house. However, while you usually have to...

How to protect yourself from robbers in Malaysia
by Denise C. on 14 October 2018
For many Malaysians, the last thought on our minds rightttt before we drift off is...did I lock the door? This is a fear that all Malaysians live with – the fear...

Is it illegal to give someone a house because "you love them" in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 27 September 2018
Imagine you are a struggling millennial who doesn’t buy avocados but can’t seem to afford houses anyway. As you’re moping around your parents’ house one day, your mum waves you...

Here's why the Malaysian government said they can't do anything about child marriages
by Denise C. on 24 September 2018
Artikel ini telah diterjemahkan kepada Bahasa Malaysia. Untuk versi Bahasa Malaysia, klik sini. Malaysians have recently been in heated debates over the issue of child marriages. This issue was...

How to get money back from your friends in Malaysia
by Denise C. on 19 September 2018
This is a situation that we are all privy to – we have loaned money to friends only to have problems trying to get it back later. Sometimes it’s a small...

Can the PDRM stop you from calling your lawyer?
by Denise C. on 18 September 2018
It’s late. You’re driving home and all of a sudden, you see a police road block in front of you. You assume that it’s some kind of operasi because of how late...

Why do you sign a "standard contract" when buying a house from Malaysian developers?
by Denise C. on 07 September 2018
If you have read our articles on contracts, you may have seen a common trend where we tell you that strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a “standard...

If the PDRM calls you to the station, must you really go?
by Denise C. on 06 September 2018
Generally, you equate seeing policemen as something bad happening – either you’ve been in an accident, a victim of a crime, or you were caught doing something you weren’t supposed to do. ...

If my landlord sells the house I am renting in Malaysia, what happens to me?
by Denise C. on 03 September 2018
Buying a house in this current economical climate is pretty darn difficult so most of us have resorted to renting a place. However, renting comes with its own set of...

5 apps by the Malaysian government that are actually useful
by Denise C. on 30 August 2018
In this day and age, (almost) everything has an app for it. Need to check your bank accounts? Here’s an app for it. Need to buy some groceries? Another app....

Malaysians can now sue for sexual harassment thanks to a case involving...coconuts?
by Denise C. on 27 August 2018
Since late 2017, the #metoo movement has swept across the world. This movement is basically about victims of sexual harassment, hashtagging the phrase to indicate that they too have been...

What can you do if you have been sexually harassed in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 20 August 2018
In every office place, there’s bound to be some dirty jokes or innuendos thrown around. Most of the time, you laugh along when it happens because you acknowledge it as...

In the 1960's, this Malaysian scholarship student found a loophole to escape his bond...
by Denise C. on 14 August 2018
Let’s start with a sad fact of life – nothing comes free (except your mama doing your laundry). For example, if you are a student who took a PTPTN loan, you...

Malaysian criminals go to different courts depending on their crime. Here's how it works
by Denise C. on 24 July 2018
If you are a long term follower of AskLegal, you would know that the law is (widely speaking) divided into civil law and criminal law. Criminal cases are when a...

If you sign a contract in China (or any country), can you still sue in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 18 July 2018
So you’re running a business and you just landed your first major client! The deal would give you a huge payday and you eagerly draft up the contract and pass it...

Why does Malaysia have different courts and what do they do?
by Denise C. on 04 July 2018
You should probably know that Malaysia has a court system with different types of courts that handle every case under the sun. Pick up a newspaper and you’ll see someone...

How does a Malaysian judge decide what punishment to give a criminal?
by Denise C. on 28 June 2018
We always read about Malaysians getting punished for crimes through various ways. For example, you can get fines for traffic offences, jail time for robbery, whipping for certain hardcore crimes,...

"Suspect from Ipoh held under remand" - but what does 'remand' actually mean?
by Denise C. on 28 June 2018
We recently got a question from one of our readers on whether the police are allowed to detain you if you haven’t been formally charged with a crime yet. So...

What is motive and is it necessary to prove a crime in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 21 June 2018
It is pretty indisputable that every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there would have come across the word, “motive”. According to a handy Google search, the foremost definition of this...

Here's what law students in Malaysia have to go through to become a lawyer
by Denise C. on 20 June 2018
Most people know that it’s not easy to become a lawyer but they don’t know exactly how not easy it is. If you’re at level 1 familiarity, you might think...

If you sue someone, Malaysian courts can let you raid their house to get evidence
by Denise C. on 05 June 2018
Have you ever wanted to sue someone over a bad business deal? Or maybe it was something simple like a breach of contract. So you get yourself all lawyered and...

Bagaimanakah anda boleh mengenal pasti barang farmasi dan kosmetik yang selamat digunakan di Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 28 May 2018
Artikel ini diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggeris. Click here for the English version. Pernahkah anda terbaca siaran Facebook dari rakan rakan anda yang mengatakan bahawa, “KINI JERAWAT MUKA BOLEH SEMBUH...

Actually, why are there no lawyer advertisements in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 16 May 2018
Have you ever wondered why lawyers don’t advertise their services or perhaps, you wondered why they still wear the black robes in court (read about here). Well, it is actually...

5 legal "lifehacks" to win a lawsuit faster in Malaysian courts.
by Denise C. on 14 May 2018
Suing someone is such a hassle – from hiring a lawyer to digging up all the information that you need to pass over to the lawyer, to attending boring court proceedings... it...

How do royal pardons work in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 12 May 2018
If you thought that criminals cannot be released for the duration of their sentence after they have been found guilty, you are technically not wrong. That is, if you look...

A Malaysian murder suspect was found innocent because of...bad body odour
by Denise C. on 23 April 2018
You have heard of the stories, of murders committed to hide another crime. Usually murders which happen are used to hide the fact that other serious crimes have happened...such as...

If guilty, you don't have to serve your full sentence in Malaysia because.... Discounts
by Denise C. on 12 April 2018
If you’re a fan of criminal/thriller movies, you probably would have seen this practice somewhere. Maybe you saw it when Jack Bauer gave a terrorist immunity for telling him where...

Why do some Malaysians get arrested for one crime and charged for another?
by Denise C. on 26 March 2018
If you have been keeping up with the news, you would have heard of some cases where Malaysians have been arrested for one crime but then they ended up getting...

3 ways you can accidentally commit crimes while using dating apps in Malaysia
by Denise C. on 22 March 2018
Malaysians are no strangers to searching for love through different means, including deploying oranges once a year. However as the pinnacle of the age of Internet looms in front of us, many...

Can judges get sued if they make a mistake in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 20 March 2018
Imagine this scenario – you are in court, waiting for the judge’s decision on your case. You are pretty sure that you are going to win it hands down because you...

Can neighbourhood guards block roads in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 19 March 2018
You are driving down a shortcut that you have used countless times and as you are snickering over gaining the upper hand, you notice a barrier obstructing the road and...

Hold the phone - here's the legal reason why the Low Yat "thief" was not guilty
by Denise C. on 12 March 2018
By now, everyone should be somewhat familiar with the story of the “Low Yat Phone Thief”, but here’s a quick refresher: On 11 July 2015, 22-year old Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz...

Where do the Syariah courts in Malaysia get their LEGAL power from?
by Denise C. on 07 March 2018
You might have came across the case of Jawi’s raid on Borders back in 2012, or the challenge on the issue of cross-dressing in Negeri Sembilan in 2014, and the...

Strata title vs individual title - how does it affect Malaysian landowners?
by Denise C. on 28 February 2018
You just paid the downpayment for your brand new condominium. The sales agent shakes your hand and tell you that the lawyers will be in contact soon for you to...

Where does Malaysia get its laws from?
by Denise C. on 22 February 2018
If someone asked you, “Where does Malaysia’s laws come from?”, your knee jerk answer would most probably be, “From Parliament”. It makes sense for this to be Malaysia’s source of...

Some Malaysians are released after getting arrested for a crime. Here's why
by Denise C. on 19 February 2018
We are no strangers to scenes depicted on television of high speed car chases, where policemen brandish guns at criminals and then tackle them before hauling them off in handcuffs....

Are Malaysian pet hotels legally required to keep your furkid safe?
by Denise C. on 13 February 2018
The holiday season is coming, the jingles are playing in malls, your bags are packed, and your car is all serviced. You are all ready to go back to your...

Is the PDRM allowed to search your body without a warrant?
by Denise C. on 02 February 2018
Imagine this scenario – you are driving along merrily with your friends, out for some late night McNuggets. Suddenly, you see flashing lights up the road. It’s a police roadblock and...

How do you stop someone from hiding their money instead of paying you back?
by Denise C. on 01 February 2018
Have you ever been in that situation where someone owes you a huge sum of money and you are thinking about suing him for that money but you know that...

6 ways to avoid scams when trading online in Malaysia
by Denise C. on 25 January 2018
It’s the age of buying and selling things online. While Malaysians may still throng shopping centres to buy essentials or hang out with friends and family during their downtime, shopping...

If you get injured AFTER agreeing to terms and conditions in Malaysia, can you sue?
by Denise C. on 17 January 2018
Being Malaysians, especially those who live in cities, our attractions usually revolve around hanging out at a local mall with family and friends. However, some of us might venture out...

How do bankruptcy proceedings work in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 11 January 2018
Most of us wouldn’t think too hard about bankruptcy and when asked about it, the knee jerk reaction is to think that a bankrupt is someone who is terrible at...

The untold story of the "bin Abdullah" children in Malaysia
by Denise C. on 08 January 2018
Of late, there have been a number of legal issues that have been taken to court surrounding Islamic matters. While the issues of unilateral child conversions through Indira Ghandi and...

If you want to sue someone in Malaysia, what happens if they ignore you?
by Denise C. on 05 January 2018
Have you ever been in that scenario where you wanted to sue someone but your lawyer tells you that they are having trouble serving the papers on that person because...

What can you do if you bought fake baby formula (or any other food) in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 15 December 2017
Malaysians are no strangers to the stories of fake foods. They wash up on our headlines every once in awhile and then disappear. We had that fake eggs scare back...

What can you do if you bought fake food in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 12 December 2017
Malaysians are no strangers to the stories of fake foods. They wash up on our headlines every once in awhile and then disappear. We had that fake eggs scare back...

If someone borrows money and doesn't pay you back, Malaysian law can help
by Denise C. on 09 December 2017
We have all been there – friends approaching us for a small loan during times of need. It may range from a quick, “Eh. Can spot me two bucks ah?” to...

Is it a crime to sleep with someone in Malaysia if you have HIV?
by Denise C. on 06 December 2017
The feature image was screencapped from a Youtube video. You can watch it here. To not beat around the bush (heh), people are generally more open to sex these days....

In Malaysia, you can sue for a holiday gone wrong thanks to a case from 1969
by Denise C. on 24 November 2017
[Note: Article was originally written in December 2017] It’s the end of the year. You know what this means (bonus season!). Aside from it being the season of extra pay...

Can a company sue me in Malaysia if I turn them down after signing the letter offer?
by Denise C. on 21 November 2017
It’s been a long two months. Every job application you have sent out has gone unanswered. You are so desperate, you even start applying for jobs that are out of...

How do I know if I am getting arrested by the PDRM?
by Denise C. on 14 November 2017
You are walking down Chinatown, enjoying the lights and the multitude of characters that Chinatown has to offer. As you are looking at a knockoff Rolex, admiring how at first glance,...

How did one Thai lady leave a sinkhole in Malaysian land law? [PART 1]
by Denise C. on 10 November 2017
Have you ever wondered how do we stake our name over what is considered the world’s most priceless possession? Nope, this article is not talking about gold or chocolate but...

How did one Thai lady leave a sinkhole in Malaysian land law? [PART 2]
by Denise C. on 10 November 2017
If you are here from part one of the story (which we recommend reading first), we laud you for your tenacity in tackling land law. Also, a word of advice,...

Malaysia's new insurance system automatically deducts your salary but...for what?
by Denise C. on 02 November 2017
Every Malaysian knows about EPF and SOCSO. The money needed to sustain the EPF and SOCSO comes from monthly deductions of your salary as well as monthly contributions from your employers....

How do I know if medicine and cosmetics in Malaysia are safe to use?
by Denise C. on 30 October 2017
Have you ever come across a post by your friend on Facebook and it sort of reads something like this, “DID YOU KNOW THAT ACNE CAN BE SOLVED BY JUST...

A Singaporean case changed Malaysia's law on murder... But how?
by Denise C. on 23 October 2017
If you’ve ever read true crime stories or watched a movie where someone gets murdered, you’d know the first thing every killer tries to do is to get rid...

Are Malaysian employers responsible for your safety in the workplace?
by Denise C. on 19 October 2017
Have you ever been injured at work? Maybe the chair you were sitting on gave way or maybe a piece of the ceiling fell on your head while you were...

Are there laws that tell police when to fire their guns in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 14 October 2017
Imagine this scenario. You are out at the mamak late one night, catching some drinks with your mates. Suddenly, you hear the whine of sirens and the screech of tires...

If a company in Malaysia fails, can I sue the directors?
by Denise C. on 12 October 2017
Have you ever wondered what directors in a company do? As kids, we would watch movies featuring old, white men sitting around an oblong table, shooting off their approval for...

Renting in Malaysia? Here are 5 common legal problems you can easily avoid
by Denise C. on 05 October 2017
Imagine this scenario. You are a young adult, ready to start your adult-ing life. You excitedly research some homes to rent and you head off to view the properties. After...

How to take Malaysia's government to court if they mess up?
by Denise C. on 03 October 2017
This article was written for the dilemma that the TTDI residents faced but it can also be used for the residents of Penang as they are currently in the midst of...

How are incest laws in Malaysia related to statutory rape?
by Denise C. on 28 September 2017
Malaysian has seen a recent spate in incest and rape cases. For some example, Malaysians were horrified when a father was charged for multiple accounts of raping and committing incest...

7 rape scenarios found in Malaysian law that you probably didn't know about
by Denise C. on 25 September 2017
Back in 2015, the Penang’s Women’s Centre for Change provided statistics that said that one woman is subject to sexual crimes every 35 minutes in Malaysia. Given the news reports recently, it seems like rape...

What happens to your money if a Malaysian bank goes bankrupt?
by Denise C. on 21 September 2017
While banks generally don’t collapse after getting robbed, the scarier scenario is when a bank goes bank..rupt. And while this is a remote possibility, it has happened before in other countries, and even...

How to protect your domain name from cybersquatting in Malaysia?
by Denise C. on 20 September 2017
While you may not have heard of the term “cybersquatting”, you would definitely have experienced it at some point in time online. Perhaps you may have tried to set up a...

Are you a Malaysian freelancer who's NOT getting PAID!? Here's what you can do.
by Denise C. on 18 September 2017
Given how pricey the cost of living is these days, some of us are no strangers to looking for extra income on the side. This may come in the form...

Is it legal for my boss to make me work on a Malaysian public holiday?
by Denise C. on 13 September 2017
Have you ever been caught in that situation where you were looking forward to a public holiday because you and your friends have planned this epic road trip. You get...

Is prostitution illegal in Malaysia? You might be blown by the answer.
by Denise C. on 07 September 2017
If you were to ask someone if prostitution is illegal in Malaysia, most Malaysians would answer yes with confidence. This can be seen in the outrage of netizens over a...

Can the condo management in Malaysia really enter my unit and take my property?
by Denise C. on 06 September 2017
If you haven't been paying your maintanence fees on your high-rise apartment or gated community bungalow, you might want to start doing it soon. It's been recently reported that the...

Living in a Malaysian apartment - who is responsible when things get broken?
by Denise C. on 31 August 2017
Imagine this utopia - the gardens are lush. The swimming pool is great. Your kids can climb up and down the jungle gym without you worrying that it might break....

5 important clauses you need to look out for in a Malaysian tenancy agreement
by Denise C. on 25 August 2017
Regardless of where you are in life, a house is always a necessity. Even if you have moved on from the college-renting days, you might be a homeowner who is...

It's illegal to discuss Malaysia's official secrets...but what's an official secret?
by Denise C. on 24 August 2017
Do you remember a scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark where a box is wheeled into a storage facility and marked, "TOP SECRET"? While we often see...

If you commit a crime overseas and came back to Malaysia, how can you be punished?
by Denise C. on 23 August 2017
Have you ever been tempted to do something you know is wrong while in a different country? Maybe you tell yourself that it is okay to steal the hotel towels...

My boss just fired me for no reason, what can I do now?
by Denise C. on 17 August 2017
Imagine that your boss suddenly walks over to your desk and hands you a letter that only says: "The Company has decided to terminate your employment. Pursuant to your employment...

Why does Malaysia want to give a lighter punishment to drug traffickers?
by Denise C. on 15 August 2017
The feature image is a screencapture from a movie. Malaysia is one of several countries that still continues to impose the death sentence for certain crimes. Aside from the more...

What happens when you get caught in an illegal massage parlour?
by Denise C. on 09 August 2017
Klik sini untuk versi Bahasa Malaysia. Malaysians are fans of massages, from the popular establishments we see in shopping centres to the smaller shops dotting the Bukit Bintang area....

3 ways you can get in LEGAL trouble for insulting Malaysian politicians
by Denise C. on 09 August 2017
Given the rise of social media, it has now become easy to share thoughts or dissatisfaction about anyone. This includes ragging on our politicians. However, what you or most people...

5 loopholes that Malaysian domestic violence victims no longer have to worry about
by Denise C. on 08 August 2017
There were 4,000 cases reported from January to October 2016 and, in response to growing awareness on issues related to domestic violence, Malaysia passed the Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2017...

5 changes to Malaysia's bankruptcy law that makes it harder to become a bankrupt
by Denise C. on 04 August 2017
As of March this year, there were 293,086 bankrupts (with Selangor topping the list) in Malaysia. The number of bankrupts increased by 13.9% last year compared to 2015 and the...

Once broken considered sold - Must I really pay for what I break?
by Denise C. on 01 August 2017
The myth:Signs such as "you break it, you buy it", "nice to see, nice to hold, once broken considered sold" can be used to make you pay for things you...

Re-selling your concert tickets in Malaysia may get you in trouble. Here's why
by Denise C. on 29 June 2017
The sales of all 12,000 tickets of Ed Sheeran's concert in 30 minutes was not a joyous occasion for many fans due to the simple fact that many tickets were...