Popular Articles

5 Facts You Didn't Know About The Malaysia Agreement 1963
by fadzel on 06 July 2017
[Note: This article was originally written in July 2017] Shortly after the Federal Government's announcement of tourism tax that's slated to take effect in July, the Sarawak state government made...

How Do You Start A Small Claims Procedure In Malaysia?
by fadzel on 22 September 2016
Pssst. We wrote an updated version of this article and you can find it here.

8 Differences Between A Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Company
by fadzel on 28 March 2016
How many types of businesses are there? There are three types of business out there: There's a sole proprietorship... Then, there's your regular partnerships... And of course you've heard...
Recent Articles

Pengajaran Di Sebalik Kehilangan Batu Puteh: Ada Sinar Baru kepada Malaysia
by fadzel on 26 August 2017
THIS IS THE PERSONAL OPINION OF THE COLUMNIST. The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect ASKLEGAL's position on the issue, nor should it be...

5 Facts You Didn't Know About The Malaysia Agreement 1963
by fadzel on 06 July 2017
[Note: This article was originally written in July 2017] Shortly after the Federal Government's announcement of tourism tax that's slated to take effect in July, the Sarawak state government made...

If the food you bought from the supermarket is spoilt or contaminated, what can you do?
by fadzel on 09 April 2017
Imagine this scenario: You've just come home from grocery shopping, and eager to make yourself a nice simple dinner to end the day. You take out the can of chicken...

Is an unwritten promise legally binding?
by fadzel on 20 March 2017
When you think of the word "contract", you would probably imagine a piece of signed document containing all the signatures with the terms and conditions. But, do you know that...

5 Questions Malaysians ask about Hadi's 'Hudud Bill'... Answered In 5 Minutes!
by fadzel on 02 March 2017
The fuss over the 'Hudud' Bill A lot has been said and debated about PAS President Hadi Awang's proposed amendment to Act 355, also known as the Syariah Courts (Criminal...

How Do You Start A Small Claims Procedure In Malaysia?
by fadzel on 22 September 2016
Pssst. We wrote an updated version of this article and you can find it here.

I’m an Employee, Not a Slave. I Know My Rights!
by fadzel on 06 September 2016
Actually, you may not even be an ‘employee’Surprised?The Employment Act isn’t what it seems. And, as it turns out, not everyone falls under it..

Five Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Lawyer
by fadzel on 06 September 2016
Before you hire a lawyer.. You’ve decided that you need a lawyer. But, how do you know you’re hiring the right one or whether you’ve got the right reason for...

I Need A Lawyer!
by fadzel on 04 September 2016
Why do I need a lawyer? Like it or not, at some point in your life you’ll need a lawyer to help with your legal problems.

What Is Child Abuse?
by fadzel on 01 September 2016
What Constitutes Child Abuse?For a long time now, child abuse has been a global issue and, very often, we come across cases of child abuse in Malaysia. But first, what...

Demystifying The ‘Belittled’ Second Generation Of Human Rights
by fadzel on 23 August 2016
Three 'generations' of human rightsDiscussions and debates about human rights usually revolves around sensational issues involving civil and political rights such as freedom of religion, right to fair trial, inhumane...

Indefinite Liability Of Guarantors For Demand Guarantees In Malaysia
by fadzel on 18 August 2016
Puthan Perumal from Perumal Brothers comments on section 81 of the Contracts Act 1950.Under section 79 of the Contracts Act 1950, the person who gives a guarantee is called a...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: 'I Never Understood What My Teacher Did To Me In That Classroom'
by fadzel on 13 August 2016
My personal nightmareI want share my own personal experience that I have kept to myself for almost 26 years. No one knows about this. Not even my parents or my...

‘Preserving’ And ‘Restoring’ Fertility For Women: Should We Be Worried?
by fadzel on 12 August 2016
Advances in assisted reproductive technologyAssisted reproductive technology is advancing rapidly across the world with the invention of various new technologies that can help promote fertility. Now, not only that these...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: 'We Were Sending Our Son To The Depths Of Hell'
by fadzel on 05 August 2016
My son’s storyRecently, there was a shocking news of a child abuse case in a Maahad Tahfiz (religious school) up north. I would like to share what happened to my...

COMPANY LAW SEMINAR: 7 Major Areas Of Change In The New Companies Act
by fadzel on 04 August 2016
COMPANY LAW SEMINAR: 7 Major Areas Of Change In The New Companies Act

Your Children's Rights Under CRC
by fadzel on 30 July 2016
The rights under CRC The rights in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), set out in 54 articles, can be classified into 4 different groups.

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: I Hate Him So Much, But I Hate Myself Even More
by fadzel on 26 July 2016
From a broken familyI came from a broken family. My parents divorced when I was 7 years old and I'm the youngest child. I always missed my dad after the...

Stopping 'Nursery Crimes'
by fadzel on 22 July 2016
The Nursery Crimes campaignProtect and Save the Children (PSC), in collaboration with Naga DDB, launched The “Nursery Crimes” campaign on July 21. This campaign aims to create awareness amongst Malaysian...

VIDEO: Nursery Crimes (Bahasa Malaysia Version)
by fadzel on 22 July 2016
Penderaan seksual kanak-kanak merupakan satu jenayah yang begitu keji dan membawa kesan trauma yang berpanjangan terhadap si kecil.

Naga DDB Leading The Way In Anti-Paedophile Campaign
by fadzel on 19 July 2016
Naga DDB child protection campaign initiativeCreative agency Naga DDB, with other industry partners, is leading the child protection cause within the ad industry, by working together with Protect and Save...

Don't Take Us For Granted'
by fadzel on 19 July 2016
KUCHING: Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem has reminded Sarawakian Federal ministers and senior civil servants based in Peninsular Malaysia to be insistent on upholding the state’s rights.

Azalina Othman Said: A Minister's Profile
by fadzel on 19 July 2016
New minister handling the law portfolioDatuk Seri Azalina Othman Said has been appointed as the minister handling the law portfolio effective June 28 this year after a reshuffle within the...

Protecting Children Rights In Malaysia
by fadzel on 18 July 2016
What is the CRC?The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted by United Nations in November 1989. It is the most widely ratified treaty with 140 signatories...

by fadzel on 14 July 2016
Advocating for Victims of Sexual Crime & Domestic Violence Participants will explore: The experiences of vulnerable victims in the criminal justice system The protection available to victims and how watching...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: I Was Innocent And Knew Nothing
by fadzel on 11 July 2016
Growing up differentSince I was young, people always call me 'lembut' or 'pondan'. But, the fact is I never wore women's clothes. It's just that my attitude is similar to...

by fadzel on 04 July 2016
From Zer(0) to something....AnB Agro Trainers knows the hardship of single mothers to raise their family. With training and perseverance, we made changes in lives of 57 ladies till date,...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: He Broke My Inner Strength
by fadzel on 04 July 2016
It happened during my university yearsYears ago, when I was in university, my mom opened a restaurant in town X, but she was working in town Y.I was on my...

Refusing Vaccination: Upholding Or Violating Human Rights?
by fadzel on 29 June 2016
Should children be vaccinated?The issue of whether children should be vaccinated has recently became exceedingly poignant and contentious in Malaysia, with one side talking about epidemics implications and the medical...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: He Would Rape Me Every Time He Got The Chance
by fadzel on 28 June 2016
Living a scarred lifeI am a 38-year-old happily married woman with beautiful three children living a scarred life. I was a victim of sexual abuse too. It happened when I...

Cameron Announces He Will Step Down Over Shocking Brexit Vote Results
by fadzel on 25 June 2016
UK votes to leave the EUToday, UK voted to leave the European Union. The world is currently reeling in shock.In the aftermath of the vote, Prime Minister David Cameron announced...

Gunning For Trouble
by fadzel on 24 June 2016
Lone gunman taking hostage in German cinemaA masked gunman took hostages in a German cinema on Thursday before the police stormed in and shot him dead.The current German Weapons Act...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: Raped By My Big Brother
by fadzel on 24 June 2016
A victim of my own big brotherAfter reading all the stories that you shared, now I know there are lots of people who are suffering from this. I feel so...

What Life Is Like As A Pupil
by fadzel on 24 June 2016
What it's like to be chambering?Law graduates wishing to practise in Peninsular Malaysia are required to undergo a compulsory nine-month term of practical training called "chambering" or "pupillage", under the...

TELENISA: Sisters In Islam Legal Clinic
by fadzel on 24 June 2016
Want to know about your legal rights?SIS provides free gender-sensitive legal advisory services to women men on their legal rights under the Islamic Family Law and the Shari’ah Criminal Offences...

Brunei Citizen Demands Sarawak Churches To Be Demolished
by fadzel on 21 June 2016
Demolish Miri churchesAn apparently unhappy Bruneian citizen has vented his frustation on reddit, on the number of churches in Miri, alleging it is offensive to Bruneians.The remark caused a storm...

Disney Could Face Lawsuit Over Fatal Alligator Attack
by fadzel on 20 June 2016
Legal trouble ahead for Disney?The Walt Disney Co. could face a stiff legal fight in the aftermath of the fatal alligator attack at its Orlando resort last week.On Tuesday, an...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: He Did Things To Me That Were Unbelievable
by fadzel on 20 June 2016
I was raped by my step-brotherI would like to share with you my story. When i was 8, my mom remarried a guy with one son. His son was the...

Nursing Female Dog Fatally Shot, For No Reason At All
by fadzel on 19 June 2016
Another heartbreaking case of animal crueltyNetizens around Malaysia have been enraged by a recent Facebook posting that has been circulating and shared over 5000 times. And the outpouring of outrage...

Somebody Kissed My Car! What Do I Do?
by fadzel on 17 June 2016
You’re in a car accident, what do you do? You are driving along the highway in your brand new Toyota. Out of nowhere, another car suddenly bumps into yours, wrecking...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: He Killed His Own Daughter
by fadzel on 17 June 2016
The heavy weight on my shoulderI feel the weight on my shoulder. I think it's time to share the story. Please hide my profile. Unlike other victims, my mum is...

Talking About Donald Trump's Hair Can Get You Sued
by fadzel on 17 June 2016
USA: Gawker Media is facing lawsuit threat from the owner of Ivari International, which is alleged to have performed a costly hair restoration treatment on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump....

KLRCA Summer Academy- International Investment Law and Dispute Settlement
by fadzel on 16 June 2016
KLRCA Summer Academy on International Investment Law and Dispute Settlement KLRCA is proud to host the first KLRCA Summer Academy on International Investment Law and Dispute Settlement in collaboration with...

49 Dead, 53 Wounded. Will The Killing Ever STOP?
by fadzel on 14 June 2016
Response to the Orlando shootingsPeople worldwide have rallied, in a heartwarming gesture, in support for the victims and their families in the wake of the Orlando shootings that claimed the...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: Breaking The Silence After 30 Years
by fadzel on 13 June 2016
In the shadows for 30 years I want to share with you my life story that I never told to people much. I see that you're quite disturbed with the...

Ed Sheeran: The Odds Of Losing USD20 Million Lawsuit
by fadzel on 10 June 2016
You're stealing my song!Singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran is facing a USD20 million lawsuit for allegedly ripping off X-Factor's Matt Cradle's "Amazing" track for his chart-topping "Photograph".What are the odds of him...

BAN Google And YouTube In Indonesia, Says ICMI
by fadzel on 10 June 2016
On, Tuesday, the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) made a request to the government to block search engine Google and video streaming service Youtube in Indonesia, ICMI argued that pornography...

TRUE ABUSE STORIES: How The Nightmare Began
by fadzel on 09 June 2016
How the nightmare beganI don't have a brother. So when one of my male cousin, cousin A , took the effort to be close to me, I looked up to...

Self-Driving Cars: More Trouble Than They're Worth?
by fadzel on 09 June 2016
US laws on self-driving carsStates across the US are trying hard to decide on how to regulate self-driving cars. This results in incomplete and inconsistent law without really addressing the...

Six Things To Remember When Attending Court
by fadzel on 08 June 2016
Behaving in court You’ve read about our court system. How should you behave when you’re attending a court trial?Keep these pointers in mind when you’re about to attend a trial.

10 Things To Know When Signing A Contract
by fadzel on 02 June 2016
Should I sign on the dotted line? You’re looking to get that laptop, mobile network subscription service or even that country club membership. Exciting, no?However, do you know what exactly...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 10- Court Terms
by fadzel on 01 June 2016
Confused about the terms used in court?Let's find out what they mean in the final episode of this series:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated...

Unhappy With Your Bank? FMB Is Here To Help
by fadzel on 30 May 2016
Who can help financial consumers? Homebuyers have the Homebuyer Claims Tribunal for problems with your developer.General consumers have the Consumer Claims Tribunal for problems with goods or services.But, what if...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 9- After The Trial
by fadzel on 25 May 2016
The trial's over!What happens next? Find out in this video:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the ending violence against women and children and...

Unhappy With Government Bodies? Go to PCB!
by fadzel on 23 May 2016
What is the Public Complaints Bureau? The Public Complaints Bureau (PCB), under the Prime Minister’s Department, was set up to handle public complaints made by the public towards any government...

What Can You Do If You Face Sexual Harassment At Work?
by fadzel on 19 May 2016
What Is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment means unwanted, unwelcome, or unsolicited sexual conduct. This conduct includes inappropriate and offensive requests for sexual favours.Most victims are generally women, although there are...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 8- Making A Victim Impact Statement
by fadzel on 18 May 2016
How do you make a victim impact statement in court?Let's find out here in Episode 8:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the ending...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 7- Taking The Witness Stand
by fadzel on 11 May 2016
How do you testify in court?Watch Episode 7 of the WCC video series to find out:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the ending...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 6 - Your Rights In Court
by fadzel on 04 May 2016
What are your rights in court?Episode 6 of the WCC video series will give you the answers:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the...

AKPK Boleh Tolong!
by fadzel on 02 May 2016
It’s your worst nightmare. You have been unemployed for more than 6 months and is no longer able to service your RM8000 credit card debt. AND, now, the bank is...

Interfaith Child Custody: PM's Take On The Issue
by fadzel on 01 May 2016
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak stated the Cabinet is looking for a solution in resolving interfaith child custody conflicts between Muslim and non-Muslim parents, but needed time...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 5 - The Trial Process
by fadzel on 27 April 2016
What exactly goes on in the courtroom?Find out more in Episode 5 of the WCC video series:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the...

The Malaysian Court System
by fadzel on 26 April 2016
Tell me something about our courts Are you curious about the different courts that we have in Malaysia?Let’s find out together.First, let us look at this simple chart before going...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 4 - The Court And The People
by fadzel on 20 April 2016
What's the courtroom like and who are the people in there?Episode 4 of the WCC video series will show you:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation...

Five Things To Know When In Police Detention
by fadzel on 18 April 2016
I'm in police custody, what happens next?You have been arrested and is now in police custody. Keep calm and here are a few things you should remember when you're in...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 3: Reporting A Crime
by fadzel on 13 April 2016
How do you report a crime?Episode 3 of the WCC video series will guide you on how to do so:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation...

The Most Incredible Cases Ever Saved By Lawyers
by fadzel on 12 April 2016
Today's a special day!I’m guessing that today, April 12, is a special day for all the folks working here at my sister company, AskLegal.If you happen to be wondering why,...

PDRM: You're Under Arrest!
by fadzel on 11 April 2016
They're coming for youYou're walking through the street one fine evening, eager to get home after a long day's work and just simply unwind. But, as you reach your doorsteps,...

Hey Shoppers, Good News - Malaysian Shopping Protection Is Here!
by fadzel on 09 April 2016
(*By the way it actually has been here for nearly 60 years! Did you know? Just in case, here's your chance to get to know it a little better) Let's...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 2
by fadzel on 06 April 2016
Why should you report a crime?Episode 2 of the WCC video series will explain why:Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the ending violence...

PDRM: We Want You To Answer Some Questions
by fadzel on 04 April 2016
What happens when the police question you? Previously, we talked about what should you do if you’re stopped by the police. This time they believe that you might have information...

by fadzel on 01 April 2016
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Law Faculty will be holding an academic talk on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) on 7 April 2016.Below are the details of this event:

Legal Contracts Putting You to Sleep? Vote Plain English!
by fadzel on 30 March 2016
Don’t you find it annoying that most contracts are unreadable to the regular person? Here's an example of such unreadable contracts: CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS Paragraph 1.Mary Jay,...

Survival Guide To Court: Episode 1
by fadzel on 30 March 2016
How do you survive the court process?This WCC video series will explain it all to you, step by step: <span id="selection-marker-1" class="redactor-selection-marker" data-verified="redactor"></span> Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit...

Setting Standards For Domestic Violence Shelters
by fadzel on 28 March 2016
National Standards For Domestic Violence SheltersWomen's Aid Organisation (WAO) have recently unveiled the Domestic Violence Shelter Standards and Toolkit on March 9 at Sime Darby Plantation Tower. This was done...

8 Differences Between A Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Company
by fadzel on 28 March 2016
How many types of businesses are there? There are three types of business out there: There's a sole proprietorship... Then, there's your regular partnerships... And of course you've heard...

Lawyers Gone Bad
by fadzel on 26 March 2016
Lawyers breaking the law they are supposed to upholdRecently, the Star Online reported that lawyer Michael Anthony was charged under Section 354 of the Penal Code for assault or use...

Unbecoming Conduct: Lawyers Touting
by fadzel on 24 March 2016
Lawyers touting for clientsToday, the National Legal Aid Foundation (YGBK) has hit out at lawyers who employ touts to get clients. Touting is prohibited under the Legal Profession Act 1976...

Be Considerate!
by fadzel on 15 March 2016
Stealing disabled parking spots is on the riseLately, in the Klang Valley there has been a spike of cases where non-disabled drivers taking disabled parking spots. The lack of enforcement...

Hey Partner!
by fadzel on 09 March 2016
So, you want to start a partnership, eh?Well, here are some things you must know about partnerships before jumping into it!What is a partnership?Partnership is a relationship between two or...

Stop! This is the Police
by fadzel on 03 March 2016
What if you're stopped by the police? You’re walking home one night, minding your own business. Then…A tough-looking guy wearing plain clothes suddenly came up to you and said “I’m...

I Want to Get This Car!
by fadzel on 19 February 2016
What is a valid acceptance under contract law? Last time, we talked about valid offers. Let’s find out what is a valid acceptance.Abu offered his Lexus for RM80000. You agreed...

Help! How Do I Survive Law School?
by fadzel on 18 February 2016
Five Things to Do In Law SchoolGoing to Law School can be a very scary experience. But, don't worry, here’s some tips to help you survive law school!1. Don't be...

I'm Not an “Employee”, But I Still Have Rights!
by fadzel on 13 February 2016
What if I’m not covered by the Employment Act? Last time we talked about your rights under the Employment Act. If you don't fall within the definition of Employee, common...

What on Earth is a VALID Offer?!
by fadzel on 03 February 2016
Clear as a Haze-Free Daylight: What is a Valid offer under Contract Law?