Five Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Lawyer
over 8 years ago fadzelBefore you hire a lawyer..
You’ve decided that you need a lawyer. But, how do you know you’re hiring the right one or whether you’ve got the right reason for getting yourself a lawyer?
Remember, hiring a lawyer costs a LOT of money.
And, you’ll be wasting lots of money if you choose the wrong kind of lawyer or do the wrong thing when hiring one.
1. Wanting to get revenge
You wanted to get even with someone got you upset. So you decided to use the courts to get even and make yourself feel better.
It is an EXPENSIVE way to do so! Don’t waste your money hiring a lawyer for petty grudges.
2. Hiring a lawyer you’re not comfortable with
Do you feel comfortable talking with your lawyer?
Does he give you his full attention when you’re explaining your legal problems?
If not, better look for someone else, then.
3. Not telling your lawyer everything about your case
Any information that you withold from your lawyer can ruin his entire legal strategy. Sooner or later, that information will eventually come out, either through your own lawyer or through the other side.
By that time, it may be to late for him to do damage control.
You might end up losing your case
4. Failing to make sure that your lawyer has no conflict of interest
Please avoid working with a lawyer who used to represent a person/organisation that you’re currently litigating against.
You might end up wondering whether he is acting in your best interest
5. Not ‘shopping’ around for lawyers
There is more than one way to solve a legal problem. You’ll hear different approaches to the same problem when you talk to different lawyers. And, you’ll notice the different pricing too!
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