over 8 years ago fadzelAdvocating for Victims of
Sexual Crime & Domestic Violence
Participants will explore:
- The experiences of vulnerable victims in the criminal justice system
- The protection available to victims and how watching brief lawyers can help access them
- National and international laws that protect victims
- Case studies applying right and protection for vulnerable victims.
Trainers: Kitson Foong (Messrs Kit & Associates), Advocacy Team, WCC Penang
Date: 3rd August (Wednesday 9.00am—5.30pm), 4th August (Thursday 9.00am—4.30pm)
Venue: Holiday Villa Hotel Kota Bharu, Kelantan
To register, call Advocacy Officer Joshua Teh at 04-228 0342 or email: advocacy@wccpenang
No fee charged for legal practitioners and pupil in chamber.
All legal practitioner participants will receive 10 CPD points.
About WCC
Women's Centre for Change is a non-profit , tax exempt organisation dedicated to the ending violence against women and children and promotion of gender equality. WCC provides free counselling and shelter services, conduct outreach and training, advocates for policy and legal reforms.
For further information, contact WCC @ 04-228 0342
Email wcc@wccpenang.org
Website: www.wccpenang.org