Lawyers Gone Bad
almost 9 years ago fadzelLawyers breaking the law they are supposed to uphold
Recently, the Star Online reported that lawyer Michael Anthony was charged under Section 354 of the Penal Code for assault or use of criminal force to a person with intent to outrage modesty, where he allegedly touched the buttocks of Cristal Chua, 22.
The other charge was under Section 511 of the Penal Code for attempting to commit the same offence on 20-year-old Tammy Ong.
Lawyers are supposed to uphold the law and justice. However, there are some that have tarnished their reputation.
There are countless stories of lawyers committing crimes and misdeeds worldwide.
Here's a round-up of some of them:
UK - Desmond Rosario
- Called to the Bar in 1990 and was a member of Sheffield’s Paradise Chambers
- Left the UK and went on the run across the world following the sexual assault he committed in October 2013 - He carried out the attack while the child’s mother was asleep in the same room
- Failed to appear at a court date in Leicester in June 2014, after a police interview under caution
- Warrant was issued for his arrest
- Claimed the girl must have dreamt that he assaulted her.
- Was found guilty by jury at Leicester Crown Court and was sent to prison for four years in 2015.
Australia - Andrew Fraser
- A high-profile criminal lawyer in Melbourne.
- Involved with importing cocaine worth AUD2.7 million.
- Sentenced to seven years' imprisonment with a minimum period of five years' in 2001
- Released two months earlier than his release date after agreeing to give evidence against serial killer Peter Dupas in his trial for the murder of Mersina Helvagi
Singapore- David Rasif
- Left Singapore with SGD 11.3 million of his clients' money in 2006 before anyone discovered his crimes.
- The Singapore Law Society filed a report with the Singapore Commercial Affairs Department (CAD).
- He has since been in disbarred
- CAD recovered SGD 6.4 million in cash and gold in Singapore and abroad.
- Is still at large, last seen in Bangkok in June 2006 and is on the Interpol's wanted list
Malaysia- Christina Liew
- Lawyer and Api Api PKR state assemblywoman
- The High Court found that she and two others have unlawfully induced Bahagak Smallholders Scheme participants to breach their joint venture agreement
- Was ordered, alongside two others, to pay RM557 million in damages, the highest sum ever in Malaysia.
- The case is currently pending appeal
These are just but a few examples of lawyers who have given the rest a bad reputation through these misdeeds.
(Pic credits: nextpoint, itv.com, news.com.au, asiaone.com, 1b.blogspot.com)