I'm so woke I don't sleep
Popular Articles

Can a non-Muslim get in trouble for khalwat in Malaysia?
by Arjun on 04 September 2018
Even if we don’t know the religious or legal technicalities behind it, we’d know from the occasional news reports that Khalwat involves unmarried Muslim couples getting in trouble with the religious...

Can the Malaysian Police enter your house without a warrant?
by Arjun on 15 April 2017
We have seen it too many times on TV. The police knocks on the door, the occupant opens the door, the police says they would like to enter, and the...

5 points about ICERD that Malaysians are disagreeing over
by Arjun on 21 November 2018
[Versi Bahasa Malaysia di sini] Lately, the latest topic on everyone’s lips (and keyboards) is ICERD – the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Briefly put, ICERD is...
Recent Articles

Can Malaysian companies simply fire staff while they’re still under probation?
by Arjun on 05 September 2019
When you start out at a new company, typically you’ll go through a probation period. This usually last for 3-12 months. Think of this as a trial period: the company...

Got cheated shopping online in Malaysia? Here are 4 ways to get justice (or a refund)
by Arjun on 23 August 2019
“SCAM ALERT!” You may have seen Facebook postings which begin with those words, and they usually have the same tune. Someone bought something online for cheap, and they didn’t receive their item....

Najib's lawyers tried to stop the media from reporting his case. Here's why it failed
by Arjun on 06 May 2019
There are three current issues that are constantly being shared/discussed on social media at the moment – first in rank being the Avengers Endgame (You can start posting spoilers now), Game of Thrones and...the...

Can guide dogs be taken out to public places (LRT, KTM, malls)?
by Arjun on 25 April 2019
In 2014 a blind man named Stevens Chan made the local news because he brought in Malaysia’s first service dog from China called Lashawn . And just to explain, a service dog...

Here's what Grab drivers need to know about getting their cars checked in PUSPAKOM
by Arjun on 15 April 2019
[Klik sini untuk versi Bahasa Malaysia] During the 14th General Elections in 2018, the Pakatan Harapan campaign promised that the rights of e-hailing (like Grab, myCar, etc) drivers will be...

Noh Omar said stealing isn't wrong until you're caught...here's why he may not be wrong
by Arjun on 11 April 2019
In a recent parliamentary sitting, a BN politician named Noh Omar gave an analogy that caught everyone’s attention and the ridicule of netizens. In fact, his statement caught our attention...

Can Malaysia exit any International Treaty that we sign...because we don't like it?
by Arjun on 05 April 2019
Recently the Malaysian government has courted quite a bit of criticism by considering the signing of two international treaties – ICERD and The Rome Statute. ICERD drew criticism because it...

5 things you should know about Malaysia's signing of the Rome Statute
by Arjun on 21 March 2019
“The Rome Statute”. You would have seen this term quite a bit on our local news headlines. Basically, the Malaysian government was planning to adopt this “Rome Statute”, and there were...

Here's how a group of paintballers changed Malaysian law by bringing the PDRM to court
by Arjun on 18 March 2019
Whenever the government introduces or updates a law, there’s always a chance that a group or community that will be indirectly affected in a bad way, or simply just disagree...

Malaysian soldiers sometimes go to war without guns...here's why
by Arjun on 06 March 2019
If you’ve watched the movie PASKAL last year, you may remember a scene where a soldier was on a military mission with no weapons. In that scene, the soldier was...

If you do drugs on a holiday, will the PDRM catch you when you're back?
by Arjun on 26 February 2019
Vacations are really awesome, you get to visit another country with different cultures, food, and sometimes laws. And sometimes different laws could mean legalised drugs. Take America as an example,...

PAS and Sarawak Report sued each other in court. Here's why they dropped the case
by Arjun on 15 February 2019
For a little backstory, the Sarawak Report published a story stating that RM90 million was given to top PAS leaders to get their support for BN and UMNO. Hadi Awang, the President...

Consumer Criminal General Traffic
Adakah motosikal memerlukan insuran untuk dapatkan cukai jalan?
by Arjun on 07 February 2019
Memang tepat untuk mengatakan bahawa motosikal adalah sejenis mod pengangkutan yang cepat dan mudah. Malah, secara amnya ramai sedar bahawa menunggang motosikal tidak begitu selamat. Ia amat berbeza dengan kereta yang mempunyai rangka besi...

Consumer Criminal General Banking
What are "kutu funds" and why are they illegal in Malaysia?
by Arjun on 30 January 2019
Kutu funds are an informal funding and saving schemes Traditional kutu funds among friends and family are legal in Malaysia according to the Registrar of Societies Malaysian law aims to...

Can the PDRM stop and search your car without setting up a roadblock?
by Arjun on 22 January 2019
Note: This article was originally posted in 2019. We recently came across a Facebook post where someone described an interesting encounter she had the police. Here’s what happened: While we...

Can our Yang DiPertuan Agong resign, and who's next in line?
by Arjun on 08 January 2019
2018 was a year of a lot of firsts for Malaysia. We had the first change of government since independence, and even the first female Deputy Prime Minister. Well 2019...

5 things you can't claim if you get into an accident in Malaysia
by Arjun on 04 January 2019
If you’ve gotten into an accident in Malaysia (touch wood), a word you’d be very familiar with is “Claim” – basically claim-ing damages from the person who hit your car, or...

Does the PDRM use police line-ups... like in TV shows?
by Arjun on 18 December 2018
If you enjoy good crime movies or dramas, you’ve probably come across a scene of a police line up. You know, where the police gets a bunch of similar looking suspects to...

DBKL wants all nightclubs to close at 1am...but can they?
by Arjun on 13 December 2018
The last thing that you want on a Friday night out is having the bartender shout “WE’RE CLOSING!”. But wait a minute, it’s only 1am and you were just getting...

An ex-reporter shares the danger of being a social worker... and why she stayed
by Arjun on 04 December 2018
Thank you to Nadea Melissa from Kuching, Sarawak for allowing us to use her photos for our feature image! If you’ve walked down a typical city street in Malaysia, it...

In Malaysia, a woman can't get charged for adultery...here's why
by Arjun on 03 December 2018
Almost every country has a set of peculiar laws. If you were to look at our neighbours down south, they have laws prohibiting the chewing of gum. But if you...

5 points about ICERD that Malaysians are disagreeing over
by Arjun on 21 November 2018
[Versi Bahasa Malaysia di sini] Lately, the latest topic on everyone’s lips (and keyboards) is ICERD – the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Briefly put, ICERD is...

If someone confesses to a crime in Malaysia, why must they still go to court?
by Arjun on 15 November 2018
In a dimly lit interrogation room, a suspect sits on an uncomfortable metal chair while two police officers ask him a series of questions. They’re playing the good cop/bad cop routine, hoping they’ll...

If you bought a haunted house in Malaysia, do you call the Ghostbusters... or a lawyer?
by Arjun on 30 October 2018
Congratulations, you just bought your first house! Sure, it’s a little run down because it’s a second-hand house… the lights turn on by themselves every now and then (faulty wiring) and...

5 beliefs Malaysians have about the death penalty...that are wrong
by Arjun on 27 October 2018
If you’ve ever flown into Malaysia, you would’ve heard an announcement saying Malaysia punishes drug trafficking with the death penalty. For tourists, that’s essentially their first encounter with the fact that Malaysia...

If the PDRM asks you to do a urine test, can you say no?
by Arjun on 25 September 2018
Imagine you’re driving home one Friday night and you encounter a police roadblock. You’re thinking it’s probably a drunk driving operasi so you’re prepared to wind down the window and...

How to get legal aid in Malaysia
by Arjun on 21 September 2018
There may be a moment in your life where you get into some legal trouble. Usually, when you are in such situations a lawyer would come in handy. However lawyers...

If the religious authorities knock on your door for khalwat, must you let them in?
by Arjun on 04 September 2018
NOTE: In an earlier version of this article, we made an error in not realizing that the definition of “seizable offence” in Syariah and Federal law are different, leading to...

Can a non-Muslim get in trouble for khalwat in Malaysia?
by Arjun on 04 September 2018
Even if we don’t know the religious or legal technicalities behind it, we’d know from the occasional news reports that Khalwat involves unmarried Muslim couples getting in trouble with the religious...

Why would a lawyer ask you to plead guilty to a crime in Malaysia?
by Arjun on 27 August 2018
If you’ve watched (usually American) courtroom dramas like Suits or Law and Order, you’d usually come across a scene where the judge asks the suspect “How do you plead”, in...

Did you know Malaysia has dangerous atomic materials? These guys keep us safe
by Arjun on 23 August 2018
RADIOACTIVE DEVICE MISSING. The headlines on the local newspapers seem like the beginning of an action movie, and with words like “dirty bomb” being thrown around, the recent news of a missing...

If you win a lawsuit in Malaysia, how do you make sure you get paid?
by Arjun on 15 August 2018
Unfortunately, your neighbour had the sudden desire to become a master violinist. To further add to your misery, he practices after 10pm and his vionin-ing sounds like a cat being...

What can you do if the PDRM is not investigating your report?
by Arjun on 07 August 2018
If you are a victim of a crime or a witness of a crime, the first thing you usually do is go to the police station and make a report. But...

If Malaysia has a disagreement with another country, how do they settle it?
by Arjun on 05 April 2018
You could go to jail or get a fine if you hit someone, you could also be asked to pay damages if you break a legally binding promise. These are...

In Malaysia, you can pay bail to go home instead of going to jail. Here's how it works
by Arjun on 04 April 2018
You may remember a 2017 incident in Johor Bahru where a woman rammed her car into a group of child cyclists, leading to death and injury. She was later charged for causing death by...

What are your rights if you get arrested by the PDRM?
by Arjun on 22 January 2018
A bad day for some might be having a flat tyre on the way to work, for some it may be getting arrested by the PDRM. You may think...

Can the Malaysian Police enter your house without a warrant?
by Arjun on 15 April 2017
We have seen it too many times on TV. The police knocks on the door, the occupant opens the door, the police says they would like to enter, and the...

What can you do if you get cheated shopping online in Malaysia?
by Arjun on 29 March 2017
Malaysians are now starting to shop online more often - thanks to the convenience of being able to buy everything you need in the comfort of your own home. However,...

Can Mahathir actually sue PM Najib? Let's see what the law says... [Updated]
by Arjun on 08 March 2017
Update: The High Court ruled that PM Najib, as Prime Minister, is not a public officer. As such, the court struck out the suit and ordered Mahathir's side to pay...

Can a child be sued for causing an accident?
by Arjun on 22 February 2017
The recent spotlight on the tragic accident between a car and a group of young cyclists in Johor that resulted in 8 deaths has brought about many discussions, including that...