
Can two companies register similar names in Malaysia?

over 5 years ago Matdura S.

Two is not always better than one


MYEG was fined RM9.34 million for breaking competition laws. Here’s what happened.

over 5 years ago JS Lim

They were fined by the Malaysia Competition Commission - MyCC

Corporate Criminal

What happens to a company if it’s guilty of a crime in Malaysia?

over 5 years ago JS Lim

How do you even put a company in jail??

Corporate Industrial Employment

5 types of leave in Malaysia (and if you will be paid when you take them)

over 5 years ago K. Saraswathy

Planning to take a leave but not sure if your salary will be deducted?

Corporate General

Tabung Haji dilanda masalah. Apa akan terjadi kepada wang deposit anda?

over 5 years ago Clarence Kuna

Apa terjadi kepada wang yang seharusnya digunakan untuk menyempurnakan ibadah Haji?