Heizel T
I'm awake.
Popular Articles

5 annoying things your Malaysian neighbours do that you can sue them for
by Heizel T on 01 December 2018
Sometimes, your neighbours may do things that can really annoy you such as playing their music too loudly or letting their cats (all 9 of them) use your garden as a toilet. Neighbour peskiness...

Can security guards keep your MyKad or driving license?
by Heizel T on 27 November 2018
We can all probably agree that the major bane of entering housing areas/ condominiums/ apartments as visitors is the inconvenience of being asked to produce our MyKad’s or driving licenses by security. Sometimes, security...
Recent Articles

5 annoying things your Malaysian neighbours do that you can sue them for
by Heizel T on 01 December 2018
Sometimes, your neighbours may do things that can really annoy you such as playing their music too loudly or letting their cats (all 9 of them) use your garden as a toilet. Neighbour peskiness...

Can security guards keep your MyKad or driving license?
by Heizel T on 27 November 2018
We can all probably agree that the major bane of entering housing areas/ condominiums/ apartments as visitors is the inconvenience of being asked to produce our MyKad’s or driving licenses by security. Sometimes, security...