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Know someone who wants insurance? Allianz's referral programme pays you for it

almost 3 years ago Sponsored Content





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If we know a good mechanic, plumber, or even property agent, it’s quite common for us to recommend these people to our friends and family. And most of the time, there’s nothing in it for us other than a “thank you” from our loved ones; though property agents do sometimes share a referral fee.

But actually, you can also get a very sizable referral fee by referring your friends to an insurance agent! Our friends over at Allianz Malaysia introduced us to their referral programme, coincidentally named Friends of Allianz. So here’s how you can earn some money if your friend comes up to you and asks “eh you got know any good insurance agents ah?”

Be a Friend, get some dough

We’ve actually made a video explaining this before. So if you prefer, you can watch our entertaining (wah puji sendiri) parody video of a financial guru explaining Friends of Allianz here.

Basically, all you have to do is:

  1. Sign up for the Friends of Allianz programme
  2. Refer someone who wants to buy insurance to an Allianz agent (with their consent, of course)
  3. Wait for your friend to buy it. Once the policy is issued, you’ll get 50% of the agent’s first year commission!

Sounds a bit too easy? It is, but that’s because getting the referrals is actually the hardest part. In case you don’t know, a Malaysians’ personal data is protected by the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (The PDPA). So as an insurance agent, getting a lead or contact on people who want to buy insurance is very valuable, because resorting to things such as buying a name list is very illegal and can get them in trouble.

Which is why, if you refer someone to an agent and the person ends up getting a policy, you’ll earn 50% of the agent’s first-year commission. So if the agent gets a RM1,000 commission for the first year, you’ll get RM500. 

Signing up for the referral programme is also free, and there are absolutely no targets for you to hit (unless you set your own personal target lah). There are no limits on how many people you can successfully refer, and no pressure or commitments whatsoever.

It’s not a sales job

You might also think, “Eh, I need to learn how to sell insurance right?”. The answer is a resounding “NO”, because this is not a sales job. You just have to refer your friend who already wants to buy insurance to an Allianz agent assigned to you, and they will be the one explaining everything to your friend.

Other than introducing friends who don’t already have insurance, this programme also applies if you successfully refer someone who needs an insurance upgrade. So what does that mean? 

You might have heard that Covid-19 hospitalization costs in private hospitals can run up to RM200,000; while most insurance plans purchased 10 years ago usually cover about RM30,000 at most, meaning the balance of RM170,000 will have to come out of their pockets. So if you know someone who’s not sufficiently covered, it’s worth asking them to get their policy relooked by an Allianz agent. If they do get a policy upgrade or buy a new policy, you’ll also get the commission.

You can also do everything online, so you don’t need to go out of your way (or your house) to do it. Just find people who want insurance, and refer them to your agent who wants to sell it = money. 

So if you’re interested, you can click the link below to sign up. Just make sure you’re over 18 and Malaysian to qualify for Friends of Allianz.

Join the Friends of Allianz programme here.

The official sign up page at Allianz
Will you be their friend?
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